
StreamTV Project

Case Study – StreamTV Streaming Guide, Recommendation Engine, and Social App Project: Build an app with best-in-class personalization for streaming content search, discovery, and social sharing. Background As most people will tell you, the overwhelming amount of content available via streaming services makes it difficult to find something to watch.  It’s the modern equivalent of “300 […]

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NBCU Pilot Season

Case Study – NBCU Pilot Season Challenge: Fix a broken process and the relationship between two NBCU business units. Background Every year in the late winter, NBC (the television network) goes through a process to choose a few new shows for the next Fall TV season.  The network produces anywhere between 20 and 30 individual TV

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File QC Lab

Case Study – Testronic Labs’ Film & Video Master File QC Lab Project: Build facility to QC film and video master files (1TB+) Background As the Entertainment Industry was transitioning from digital tape to file-based workflows, one of the biggest challenges was file size.  Master content files, at the highest level of resolution, are enormous,

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3D Blu-ray QC

Case Study – 3D Blu-ray QC Challenge: QC 3D content on Blu-ray discs for major Hollywood Studios. Background Among other services, Testronic Labs tests video content (movies, television, etc.) for both streaming and packaged media (DVDs, Blu-rays) for several major Hollywood Studios.  One of the tests is simply watching the video for digital and analog

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Japanese Anime on DVD

Case Study – Japanese Anime on DVD Challenge: Conform two significantly different audio tracks to the same video. Background Until DVD came along, when Japanese anime was released for the US market, the script was translated into English, dubbed (recorded in a new language), and then the video was conformed (edited to fit) to the

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DVD – Warner Bros

Case Study – DVD Mastering for Warner Bros Project: Develop the DVD mastering (a.k.a. authoring) process internally at Warner Bros., two years before DVD hit the market. Background In 1995, when DVD was just a glint in Warren Lieberfarb’s eye, I was a lowly project manager at Warner Bros. in the newly minted Technical Operations division

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Timely Weekly Sales Reports

Case Study – Timely Weekly Sales Reports Challenge: Deliver weekly sales reports to sales executives in a timely manner. Background This one is going to date me, but even all these years later, I’m proud of the solution.  Back in the day when reports were physically printed and delivered to executives, I was working as

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